Hardgainer Archives

sdf asked:
I have been working out several months hoping to gain some muscle, but it did not happen. Surfed many websites, they only tell useless stories, nothing about workout plan.

Muscle Building

How Can I Slow My Metabolism?


Jay K asked:

I have super fast metabolism because I’m an ectomorph (hardgainer). Is there any way to slow down my metabolism so I don’t get hungry so much and I can actually put some weight on?

The Muscle-Build.com Newsletter

ANNOUNCING: The Hard Gainer's Manifesto is Live!

This will be quick — a SPECIAL REPORT I’ve been working on is finally (FINALLY!) finished and it’s called, surprisingly, the Hard Gainer’s Manifesto. Imagine that!

It’s brief, yet complete.

It’s also just $15 through Sunday. After that, the price goes up to $20. Big deal. Still cheaper than dinner and a movie!

Announcing the Hardgainer's Blog Carnival

You know, I couldn’t find any blog carnivals related to the hardgainer, those of us who have a difficult time putting on weight, so I started one myself. Hopefully, you all will submit articles about your challenges, successes, even failures. Let’s join together to build a community of hardgainers, where we share tips and motivation!

Let’s just do it.

Here’s the little widget thingy to get started —

If you want to host a Hardgainer’s Blog Carnival, leave a comment on this post and I’ll arrange it. Hosting a carnival, by the way, can bring your blog or web site a TON of traffic and get your ideas out there. In fact, hosting a blog carnival can be a pretty viral way of getting “known.”

numero uno asked:

I’ve gained about 9 pounds from 1.5 months of moderately-intensive gym training (lifting of weights using machines ‘n stuff). I play tennis for about 3 hours, 3 – 4 times a week.

Can I eat more fast food? I mean, they’re so delicious… I ate KFC and Pizza Hut today.
I think both meals add up to just over 2000 calories… but I played tennis!

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