Hardgainer’s Manifesto

If you want to build rock-solid, fat-free muscle that captures everybody’s attention, then you need to check out Hardgainer’s Manifesto. It is a short report — but it’s big on content and results. Try it for 60 days — if you don’t like it, return it for a full refund.

What are some of the best ways to gain weight?

John B asked:
I’m a hardgainer.

Muscle Building

sdf asked:
I have been working out several months hoping to gain some muscle, but it did not happen. Surfed many websites, they only tell useless stories, nothing about workout plan.

Muscle Building

How Can I Slow My Metabolism?


Jay K asked:

I have super fast metabolism because I’m an ectomorph (hardgainer). Is there any way to slow down my metabolism so I don’t get hungry so much and I can actually put some weight on?

The Muscle-Build.com Newsletter

Johnny Boy asked:

What setup should i do for trying to get bigger? there are so many different workout plans that it’s so hard to choose from. i have tried some of them and they just don’t work for me. what should i do?

Build Muscle, Lose Fat

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